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The Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) at our center on Dostyk Avenue, Almaty, offers a full range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of ear, throat, and nose diseases. Our ENT doctors are highly qualified and use advanced technologies, ensuring accurate diagnostics and comfort for each patient.


Main Services

  • Initial ENT consultation: comprehensive diagnosis of ENT diseases, such as ear pain, nasal congestion, throat inflammation, and others.
  • Follow-up ENT consultation: dynamic observation and management of chronic ENT disorders.


Diagnostic Procedures

  • Audiometry: hearing tests to detect hearing impairments and loss.
  • Tympanometry: checking middle ear function to diagnose various diseases.


Therapeutic Procedures

  • Nasal lavage using the “Cuckoo” method: effective cleaning of nasal passages for conditions such as nasal congestion, sinusitis, and other diseases.
  • Removal of earwax plugs: safe and simple removal of earwax, including for patients experiencing ear pain.
  • Catheterization of the Eustachian tube: to restore patency of the auditory tube and improve hearing.
  • Removal of foreign bodies from ENT organs: professional extraction of foreign objects from the ear, throat, or nose.


Surgical Procedures:

  • Anterior and posterior nasal packing: stopping nosebleeds.
  • Myringotomy: reducing pressure and removing fluid in the middle ear, which can cause ear pain.
  • Removal of atheroma: surgical treatment of lipomas in the ear area.


Advanced Treatment Methods

  • Tonsil washing with the “Tonzillor” device: using ultrasound and medication to treat chronic throat and tonsil diseases.
  • Phonophoresis with “Tonzillor”: ultrasound treatment of throat inflammations using medication.
  • Pari-sinus therapy: effective treatment of chronic sinus diseases, such as sinusitis.
  • Politzerization: treatment and opening of blocked Eustachian tubes, which improves hearing.
  • Collection of swabs for bacterial culture: testing to detect infections in the nasopharynx and ears.


ENT Surgical Procedures

Our otorhinolaryngology department offers a wide range of surgical interventions performed by experienced ENT surgeons using modern technologies:


Nose and Sinus Operations:

  • Septoplasty (correction of deviated nasal septum)
  • Maxillary sinusotomy and endoscopic sinus surgery
  • Vasoconchoplasty and vasotomy (including laser)
  • Nasal bone repositioning
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Laser excision of nasal cavity adhesions
  • Excision of bullous middle turbinate
  • Laser polypectomy of the nose


Ear Operations:

  • Antromastoidectomy
  • Tympanoplasty
  • Throat and Larynx Operations:
  • Tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils)
  • Adenoidectomy (including laser)
  • Drainage of peritonsillar abscess
  • Endoscopic removal of laryngeal formations
  • Laser removal of oral papillomas
  • Laser cauterization of tonsillar crypts
  • Laser palatoplasty and uvuloplasty


Other ENT Operations:

  • Removal of small soft tissue formations
  • Primary surgical debridement of wounds
  • Removal of congenital preauricular and nasal fistulas
  • Removal of Thornwaldt’s cyst
  • Surgical treatment of juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx


All surgical interventions in our ENT department are performed using modern equipment, including laser technologies, ensuring high precision and minimal trauma during operations. Our experienced ENT doctors in Almaty take an individual approach to each case, choosing the most effective treatment method. We are ready to provide qualified assistance for various ENT diseases, including ear pain, nasal congestion, and many other conditions.


Trust the professionals at the ENT department of the Family Health Center on Dostyk in Almaty for timely and quality medical care. Take the first step towards the health of your ears, throat, and nose today – schedule a consultation with an ENT doctor by calling our call center at 2814.


Dostyk Family Health Center



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